We are an intercultural community of nature lovers, hikers and gardeners, contemplative spirits and healers, people in recovery from addictions and trauma, justice seekers and artists, some in the process of deconstructing or reconstructing their faith, queer and straight; people feeling climate anxiety and seeking a community of shared grief, hope and practice; we are a diverse group wanting to embody Jesus and restore our kinship with the rest of Creator's beautiful, groaning earth.
Wild Church Fresno is an open and affirming congregation, and we welcome LGBTQ+ people to participate and serve in all aspects of our community and leadership.
Our Faith Tradition
We are rooted in the Anabaptist, Christian tradition of following Jesus in daily life, and pursuing justice and peacemaking in collaboration with the Spirit. We recognize the Divine image in all. We invite you to join us, wherever you are on your spiritual journey, if you come from another faith tradition or no faith tradition.
Where We Meet
We meet outdoors on the first Sunday of each month, often on the banks of the San Joaquin River. Meeting times change each season based on the weather, so check out our Facebook page or sign up for our newsletter for updates! We also go on monthly hikes to deepen our connection to the land, and host potluck meals, prayer and Scripture reflection times, and other events!
Our Mission
Wild Church seeks to encounter the Divine presence and restore our place in the community of creation. In this time of ecological crisis, we want to create beloved community in Christ re-connected with the soil, water, plants, and all creatures of this watershed.

Creating beloved community re-connected with the soil, water, plants,
and all creatures of our watershed here in Fresno